Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Iraqi Orphanage Nightmare, Exclusive: U.S. Troops Discover And Rescue Orphan Boys Left Starving, Chained To Beds - CBS News

Iraqi Orphanage Nightmare, Exclusive: U.S. Troops Discover And Rescue Orphan Boys Left Starving, Chained To Beds - CBS News

Besides the typical fatherly/human emotions that one would expect, a few things ran through my mind as I read this story:

1. How will the left spin this to place the blame on Bush?
2. Why is the MSM breaking its typical goo news blackout by reporting this?
3. Where are Angelina and Madonna to adopt some of this poor kids?

You know that had Captain Morales even touched the slimebag, it would have been on the front page of the NY Times.